Secure, Compliant, & Audited Smart Contract Engine
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EvoSmart is a rigorously audited smart contracts engine, certified by the industry-leading audit firm CertiK. EvoSmart’s modular architecture facilitates advanced security token compliance, and interoperability while maintaining the immutability of the blockchain.
Capabilities that Keep You Ahead
Seamless Automation and
Multi-Chain Interoperability
Enables secure automation of complex business logic and transactions. Its multi-chain interoperability allows issuers to access and use different blockchains without manual asset or data movement.
Advanced Contract & Security Management
Streamlines how companies manage securities and contracts by providing secure and methodical solutions including immutable cap tables, compliance enforcement, and on-chain transfer validation.
Share Class
Management Flexibility
The Share Class Management feature provides flexible structuring of company securities by managing various share classes with distinct rights and privileges, enabling greater control in managing shares.
Transparent and Accountable Ownership Tracking
Facilitates tamper-proof data maintenance and transparency with on-chain transfer validation. Its immutable cap table management ensures accountability and real-time tracking of ownership changes and transactions.